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of our games!
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Feel free to explore our vast selection of games for more information.

Once you’ve checked the availability of a game (by looking at the dates in the calendar displayed), you’ll have the option of finalizing your reservation. By making a reservation on this site, you confirm that you have a contract with Air en Jeux. You will have to pay your bill as for any other contract. Cancellations are only permitted the day before your event, and only in the event of rain or storm, to avoid additional drying costs.
Electrical requirements
Provide electrical outlets on several different circuits for each blower and rental machine (within 15 meters of each unit). We offer generator rental to avoid any headaches.
Mandatory monitoring
Adult supervision is required at all times during the rental period. It is the responsibility of those in charge to ensure adequate supervision to limit the risk of breakage or injury.
Your payment can easily be made by credit card when you book online. We also accept bank/Interac transfers, cheques and cash payments…